Company has its own village level collection (VLC) setup with 200 installed Bulk milk coolers (BMC) spread across the Punjab. The milk is checked beforehand through milk analyzers for various quality checking parameters. The milk is collected through various dairy farmers. At the BMCs, every farmer’s milk is tested for its quality. Based on the quality, per-litre price of milk is determined with the help of a two-way price chart. The two parameters tested for determining quality are Fat and SNF (solids not fat).
Based on the quality and the number of litres poured by the farmer, their total amount is calculated. This process is done for each and every farmer who pours milk at the BMC. Once all the tests are done, each center’s data is transferred to cloud servers on the same day. The farmer is paid every 10 days on a fixed day. The entire database is managed through a state-of-the-art computer software system.
The milk is stored in cool temperatures with temperatures of 4 degrees to maintain its original quality. The milk stored in each BMC is then transferred into road milk tankers which feed the Supreme Agro’s factory on daily basis.